New : Desjardins welcome offer for newcomers

About us

Passport ouvert
Balance de la justice

Our Mission

If you are a company looking for qualified labor or someone who wants to emigrate to Canada temporarily or permanently, we are your allies to find the best strategy for your situation.

Our values

Speed, excellence, transparency, flexibility, human approach.

Before contacting us

Although our offices are located in Montreal, we serve all of Quebec, as well as Ontario and the Atlantic provinces. If you have any questions, an attorney is available to answer them. We have been able to help several hundred families to settle successfully in Canada, either in Quebec or in another province.

If you want to know which approach to take according to your situation and your personal needs or if you would like advice on the procedure already initiated, please complete the form by clicking on "Free Pre-Evaluation form"

Our experience has already proven its effectiveness.

Our Team

Me Farrah Auguste
Founder Lawyer

Lawyer and entrepreneur, in order to reconcile her professional and personal life and respond to her desire to be close to the clients to whom she provides assistance and advice, Attorney Farrah Auguste, founder of FA Immigration, started her company in 2018, after have worked as a lawyer respectively for the Order of Chartered Professional Accountants of Quebec and the Chamber of Notaries of Quebec for a combined period of eight (8) years.

Interested in immigration issues and better yet in stabilizing the skilled workforce in Canada, Mrs. Auguste has developed since entering the bar in 2010, an excellent experience in immigration and a good reputation in this field, which it has given her the possibility of being considered by her clients as a very important active agent or even an intermediary of choice between clients and government agencies.

Farrah Auguste combines altruism and competence to offer support and guidance to her clients with a view to regularizing their status in Canada and / or obtaining their respective permits.

She makes her own the principle of representativeness of all citizens before decision-making bodies, also acts as a designated representative before the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB). Her clients can also count on her with their civil litigation cases in order to represent them in ordinary courts.